Chairish customers have 48 hours after delivery to initiate the return of an item. Assuming the seller is not responsible for any item inconsistencies from the listing, and no damage occurred during transport, the buyer is responsible for all outbound and return delivery charges. The buyer will be refunded once the item has been returned to the seller in good order.
While we never like to see a sold item returned, this policy has been extremely helpful in building a trusted national marketplace for our sellers. The best way to ensure that sales are final is to be accurate, clear, and honest about the description and condition of your listings. Include clear, well-lit photos that capture all angles and any (even minor) flaws. Keep in mind, even with the best descriptions and photos, sometimes the item just isn’t a fit for the buyer.
If a buyer contacts you - the seller - directly requesting a return, please contact Chairish Support for further instructions.
If Chairish determines the listing was inaccurate, or if the buyer receives inaccurate information from the seller about the product,
If the seller has offered free shipping the expense incurred to ship the item will not be reimbursed to the seller.
For Sellers located outside the Continental US:
Should a buyer want to return an item, the seller will need to provide Chairish with a return shipping label so that we can provide that to the buyer, enabling the item to be returned to you at the location of your choosing.