All offers are "verified offers" which shows the seller that you are serious about purchasing their item:
- The minimum offer must be at least 50% of the listing price.
- Upon submitting an Offer, your credit card will be charged for the full offer amount, including shipping, taxes, and fees.
- The seller has 72 hours to accept, decline or counter the verified offer.
- If your offer is declined or the seller counters, we release your funds immediately. Typically, the pending offer charges will simply "disappear" from your bank or credit card statement and you will not see a discrete charge and credit.*
If the item that you are interested in is available in multiples, simply change the quantity by hitting the + (or minus) sign until you have the desired number selected. Enter in the amount you are willing to pay, per item and Chairish will calculate the total you will pay if your offer is accepted. Your Offer Summary will display the item(s) subtotal ( number x price per item) plus all shipping, taxes, and fees, for the total amount you will be charged.
Not certain how much to offer? Check out our Pink Book to see the sales price for other similar items.The Make an Offer feature is available on nearly all products, with the exception of art prints and a small number of products sold exclusively on Chairish.
*Please note: Depending on your financial institution, the release may take up to 5 days to appear on your account.